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What Is Mediation?

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What Is Mediation?

Mediation is a form of dispute resolution commonly used in New Jersey. This type of dispute resolution is generally used to avoid litigation for divorces, family law, and business disputes. There are many benefits to choosing mediation over litigating a business dispute. The idea of going to court is daunting for a lot of people and that is why so many people have been opting for mediation.

In addition to being able to come to a conclusion without ever entering a court room, mediation has other benefits. It is typically a cheaper option than getting a litigated divorce because you don’t have to pay court fees and it is a quicker process. Some people choose only to hire a mediator and skip out on hiring an attorney altogether, which also keeps costs down.

Mediation is a more peaceful solution to any problem and provides an environment that can allow people to talk through the issues that have caused them to be there in the first place. It encourages productive discussion and a speedy resolution. Many times, the relationship between the two parties is better than it was at the end of mediation than it was when they arrived. Mediation takes place in a number of sessions, depending on how long it takes to work through the problem and find a solution.

In mediation for a business dispute, both parties can get together and draft an agreement that can appease everybody involved. If you have a business dispute that you need to settle but want to stay out of court, mediation may be for you. Talk to an experienced business law attorney who can assist you in this process.

COFFYLAW, LLC handles all matters related to IP, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Our law firm also effectively enforces and protects intellectual property for our New Jersey clients. If you need our quality legal services contact COFFYLAW, LLC for an exploratory meeting

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